8:15PM | Guthrie Fire department & Crescent Fire Department were dispatched to 74C & Broadway to check a controlled burn out of control.
8:15PM | Guthrie brush 1 enroute.
8:17PM | Mulhall Fire Department were dispatched to assist Guthrie Fire on a controlled burn out of control.
8:18PM | Crescent brush 6 enroute.
8:20PM | Crescent brush 12 enroute.
8:24PM | Mulhall 310 enroute.
8:24PM | Guthrie brush 1 on scene.
8:26PM | Crescent brush 2 on scene.
8:27PM | Guthrie brush 1 stats this is a controlled burn, cancelled all other responding units.
8:30PM | Guthrie brush 1 back in service.