6:28PM | Guthrie Medics & Woodcrest Fire was dispatched to I-35 & Seward in the northbound lane for an accident with injury.
6:30PM | Guthrie medic 3 enroute.
6:31PM | Guthrie Tanker 1 enroute.
6:31PM | Woodcrest Rescue 3 enroute.
6:31PM | Guthrie Engine 3 enroute.
6:31PM | Dispatch stats patient has an injured neck.
6:37PM | Guthrie Medic 3 on scene.
6:38PM | OHP on scene.
6:40PM | Woodcrest Rescue 3 on scene.
6:40PM | Guthrie Engine 3 on scene.
7:01PM | Guthrie medic 3 back in service on a patient refusal.
7:02PM | Guthrie engine 3 back in service.
7:03PM | Command terminated, all units back in service.